About Me


Who Am I ???

I USE TO THINK I WAS A FAILURE….confused at what or who I was supposed to be. I grew up in Grand Rapids,MI. I tried a few different majors in college. Went to school to become a nurse, then a Massage therapist, then cosmetology . I went for careers that I could make decent money, while still maintaining some level of sanity. But I still knew it wasn’t for me. I worked in Sales, worked for different Hospitals , as a personal live in nurse, became a Hairstylist/Nail Tech and then started working in construction.. everything I was attempting to become, was being forced. When all I had to do was be 100% me! My passion was smothered into a coma! It took me until now, my early 30’s to finally wake up and realize that it’s ok to let everything go and follow my passion! I may seem crazy. It most definitely seem random and risky, but it never feels forced or unsure! I know this is for me!

All of my failures, my confused years of exploring and learning myself…. Have all prepared me to be able to understand my current business and lifestyle as an Artist. Allow your past to be lessons and not regrets! It’s normal to be confused and to hide away from your true passion. But trust me YOUR PASSION WILL HAUNT YOU FOREVER until you get that wake up call and decide to GO FOR IT!! YOUR GIFT WILL MAKE ROOM FOR YOU! Regardless of what you deserve and being true to yourself is the only way to be whole with who you are! DON’T LET YOUR PASSION STAY IN A COMA! WAKE IT UP AND LIVE YOUR AUTHENTIC LIFE!!